How To Close Leads From Cold Outreach

Every sales is offer specific

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Hey there,

It’s Matteo from Conquered Leads.

Before you read, be sure to check out my YouTube channel, where I drop sauce just like these emails but on video form (link)

In today’s newsletter, we will go over:

  • Actionable Tip Of The Day

  • Sign Clients On Autopilot With This Cold Email Funnel

  • A bunch of good resources about cold email

If you want me to write you a custom cold email strategy including a total of 7 scripts completely for free: (link)

Actionable Tip Of The Day

If you want to get a good sales process for your offer, you need to understand that every business is specific.

Everything matters from:

  • How the lead is generated

  • Their touch point

  • How they were set into an appointment

  • Social presence of the company

  • The pre-call flow

  • and more

So a lead generated from inbound content should be treated differently from a stranger that hopped on a call from a cold email.

Address the fact they are “cold”.

  • How to Write A Cold Email Script In 9 Minutes (link)

  • Why Is Cold Email The Best Way To Generate Leads (link)

  • How To Setup A Cold Email Infrastructure That Books 30 Calls Per Month From Step 1-100 (link)

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How to Close Leads from Cold Outreach

In this newsletter, I’ll dive into the art of closing cold leads from outreach. There’s a significant difference between handling warm inbound leads and cold outbound leads. Understanding this difference and adapting your approach is crucial for success. Here’s my proven system for closing cold leads effectively, reducing objections, and boosting your close rates.

The Sales Call Opener that Reduces Objections

Most people start their sales calls by trying to build rapport. They ask questions like “How are you?” or “Where are you calling from?” and even discuss sports events. While this might work for some, I’ve found it to be largely ineffective, especially with sophisticated business owners who know it’s a sales call. Instead, I cut to the chase.

I might acknowledge a greeting if they ask, but I keep it brief. The goal is to establish that you value their time and yours. This approach demonstrates status and ensures they respect your time. Here’s how I handle it:

Avoid the Common Mistake: Many salespeople ask, “What motivated you to get on the call today?” This question can backfire, especially in cold outreach. Prospects might respond with, “You begged me to get on this call, so tell me what you’re offering and the price.” This response shifts the power dynamic away from you and can ruin the sale.

The Effective Approach for Cold Outreach

Step 1: Acknowledge the Outreach Start by referencing the method of outreach. For example: “Looks like you responded to an email/cold call/DM a few days ago and might be looking at a few options for lead generation, right?”

This approach confirms they remember your initial contact and sets a context.

Step 2: Set the Agenda Outline the structure of the call to set expectations. This helps maintain control and ensures the prospect knows what to expect: “The first call is pretty basic. It’s more for us to find out about how you’re currently handling [pain point, e.g., lead generation], the sort of results you’re getting compared to what you want, and the gap in between to see if we can help. Towards the end of the call, if it seems like a good fit, we can discuss possible next steps. Does that make sense?”

This structure shows you’re organized and professional, which helps build trust.

Step 3: Flip the Frame Use a strategy inspired by Eminem’s final rap battle in 8 Mile, where he disarms his opponent by addressing potential criticisms himself. Acknowledge that you initiated the contact, then shift the focus back to them: “I know we reached out to you, but what made you think our message was relevant enough to book a call with us today?”

This question acknowledges the cold outreach and prompts them to express why they are interested, reinforcing their own decision to engage with you.

Step 4: Conduct the Discovery Now that you’ve set the stage, proceed with your discovery questions:

  • What are you currently doing for [pain point]?

  • What results are you seeing?

  • What have you tried in the past?

These questions help you understand their needs and position your offer as the solution.

Step 5: Handle Objections with Confidence By preemptively addressing the fact that it was a cold outreach, you’ve disarmed a major objection. If they raise concerns later, remind them why they got on the call and the relevance they acknowledged. This reinforces their interest and moves them closer to a decision.


Closing leads from cold outreach requires a different approach than handling inbound leads. By acknowledging the nature of the outreach, setting clear expectations, and flipping the frame, you can reduce objections and increase your close rates. Try this method in your next sales call and see how it transforms your results.

Hope you found this deep dive helpful. Implement these strategies, and let me know how they work for you. Happy selling!

How I Can Help

  1. If you want me to write you a custom cold email strategy including a total of 7 scripts completely for free: (link)

  2. If you are looking to get qualified sales meetings booked on your calendar, we help b2b companies fill their calendars with our High-Converting Cold Email System. (link)

  3. I have a ton of free videos on my YouTube Channel (link)


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