i found the way to start making money online lol

Just listen to me

Hey there,

It’s Matteo from Conquered Leads.

Before you read, be sure to check out my YouTube channel, where I drop sauce just like these emails but on video form (link)

In today’s newsletter, we will go over:

  • Actionable Tip Of The Day

  • How to start making money online

  • A bunch of good resources about cold email

If you want me to write you a custom cold email strategy including a total of 7 scripts completely for free: (link)

Actionable Tip Of The Day

Everyone talks about all the new best methods to make money online but they never talk about what it ACTUALLY takes to get there.

I am talking about limiting beliefs, mindset, and behaviour changes.

It is so crucial that you are sharp, you have a purpose/goal you are working towards, and you do everything you can to achieve it.

The next step for you is to identify these actions to make sure you are productive as possible to reach your goals.

  • How to Write A Cold Email Script In 9 Minutes (link)

  • Why Is Cold Email The Best Way To Generate Leads (link)

  • How To Setup A Cold Email Infrastructure That Books 30 Calls Per Month From Step 1-100 (link)

Unlocking Online Income: My Journey and Mindset Shifts

In this deep dive, I want to share my personal journey, the mindset shifts, and the lessons that have been crucial in my success in making money online. This is a departure from the usual cold email strategies I discuss, but the principles are universally applicable.

My Background and Early Struggles

My name is Mato Banson, and I’m 21 years old. Born in the Philippines and raised in Australia since I was seven, I’ve ventured into the online business world, running two marketing agencies. One focused on lead generation for real estate agents using Facebook ads, and the other on cold email lead generation for B2B companies.

I started my journey with the same struggles many face. In university, I studied finance and cybersecurity, not because I loved them, but because they promised a stable, high-paying job. However, working in construction during my studies made me realize the perils of hourly wage jobs. The inequity of effort and pay was glaringly evident.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

One of the biggest hurdles was overcoming my limiting beliefs. I used to believe that success in online business was out of reach for me. This mindset held me back until I started viewing everything as my fault, a radical shift that put me in control. If I failed, it wasn't the fault of the program I enrolled in or the coach I hired; it was on me.

Shiny Object Syndrome and Focus

Another significant challenge was overcoming shiny object syndrome. I constantly jumped from one business model to another, seeking the quickest path to success. This lack of focus hindered my progress. It was only when I committed to a single path—cold email lead generation—that I started seeing real results.

Practical Steps and Mindset Shifts

  1. Personal Responsibility: Accepting that everything is my fault and my problem was transformative. This mindset shift means I’m always looking for ways to improve and solve problems rather than blaming external factors.

  2. Determination and Sacrifice: I made significant sacrifices to ensure my success. I quit my comfortable side hustles and invested heavily in myself. This included spending thousands on courses and mentors, which fast-tracked my learning and growth.

  3. Overcoming Fear of Failure: In high school, fear of failure prevented me from pursuing online business. It was only when I realized that not trying was the real failure that I started taking bold steps toward my goals.

  4. Leveraging Time Wisely: Understanding that time is money changed how I approached my daily tasks. I outsourced low-value tasks, allowing me to focus on high-impact activities that drive my business forward.

Key Takeaways for Success

  1. Everything is Your Fault: This mindset ensures you remain proactive and solution-oriented.

  2. Stay Committed: Avoid shiny object syndrome by sticking with one business model until you achieve mastery.

  3. Invest in Yourself: Spend money on education and mentorship to accelerate your growth.

  4. Focus on High-Value Activities: Prioritize tasks that directly contribute to your business's success.

By sharing my story, I hope to inspire you to overcome your limiting beliefs, stay focused, and take full responsibility for your success. Remember, if you truly want something, you will find a way to make it happen.

How I Can Help

  1. If you want me to write you a custom cold email strategy including a total of 7 scripts completely for free: (link)

  2. If you are looking to get qualified sales meetings booked on your calendar, we help b2b companies fill their calendars with our High-Converting Cold Email System. (link)

  3. I have a ton of free videos on my YouTube Channel (link)


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